Promotion design

Client: Away Inc.

Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator

Graphic assets is design for a theater entertainment company which aims to spread the charm of Asian stage play to the world. It holds hundreds of Asian popular stage plays each year across the United States and get a remarkable attention.

What I design:

· Poster

· Flyer 8.5”by11”

· Postcard 4”by6”

· Annual Calendar 17” by 5.5”

· Mobile Banner

· Name Badge




The Poster design is divided into two series. The first series is designed for drama promotion and used to put on the theater’s billboards. The second series is designed for Art Salon. Art Salon is a symposium aimed to provide a chance for people to get closer to Chinese culture through famous Chinese dramas.

brochure 2.jpg

Programme and Annual Calendar Design


Programme is an essential product that offered to the audience before each stage play presents. The function of programme is to introduce the holistic information of each drama. The programme divided into two types, stage play programme, and annual calendar. The content of the stage play programme including the crew team information,,media report news, and the brief of drama.

The annual calendar is a flyer to informs the audience of all the dramas the company going to presents during the whole year. It is also including the merchandise information to promote the business commercial product.




Postcard design is divided into two versions, Drama Brief version and Annual Calendar version. Drama Brief postcard introduces a single specific stage play including the plot brief and showtime info. For annual calendar, it introduces all dramas that the company going to presents during the year.
