SCADpro X Deloitte: Career Portal (2020)

Duration: 10 weeks

Team: SCADpro team (15 people)

My Role: UXUI Designer, Motion Designer


Wireless network technology has redefined the way we connect as individuals, businesses, and societies with each new stage in its evolution. It is poised to do so again with the expansion of its latest generation: 5G. 5G will be an enabler, unlocking the potential of technologies like edge computing (Edge) and immersive reality while paving the way for the development of fully autonomous systems. The pioneers that drive the adoption of 5G and Edge will see tremendous opportunity for growth and the ability to unlock the full potential of developing technologies. To realize these opportunities, creative innovation and infrastructure development will be needed to maximize the benefits of the new network architectures that will emerge with 5G and Edge.

In March 2021, Deloitte Digital partnered with SCADpro to communicate the future of 5G and Edge by portraying the ultimate 5G/Edge experience with a focus on their Government and Public Services (GPS) clients. The SCADpro team quickly realized that the future of 5G will not be defined by technological barriers or infrastructure costs, but by the extent of our imaginations.



The future of 5G and Edge is like a funnel; as we move forward and the technologies become more accessible, the horizons of 5G and Edge will broaden, allowing innovative new applications that expand the limits of these technologies. In the next few years we will see 5G and Edge enable advanced applications of drones and mixed reality while creating hyper-connected local systems that produce and process unprecedented levels of data. These initial uses of 5G and Edge will lay the foundation for automated systems at scale.

Over the course of ten weeks, our team researched, ideated, and designed what this future can look like for Government and Public Services (GPS) in the next few years. As we researched and ideated, we considered how 5G and Edge will change existing technologies as well as the unprecedented systems they have the potential to create. With these considerations in mind, we created design proposals centered around urban mobility, hospital in home (HiH), and connected battlefields.

Research Process


During our research into 5G, Edge and GPS we collected an initial 720 data points. Affinitaization allows us to visualize these hundreds of data points and distill them into powerful statements that encompass our research. This process began with grouping the individual data points based on similarity. An insight was then drawn from each group of individual data points and used as a higher level data point.

This process was repeated for the higher level data points until we arrived at 16 data points encapsulating our research.

From these data points we derived six “How might we (HMW)...” statements to guide the development of our initial concepts:


Design Pillars

From our research, we determined the future of 5G and Edge will stand on following key design pillars



5G/Edge innovation will be driven by the creation of connected systems generating insights from a multitude of diverse devices.


5G will make our connections faster than ever and Edge will derive intelligent insights through these connections near instantaneously.


Speed and connectivity will combine to create systems that act on information in real-time and provide adaptive tools to improve human experiences.

From these data points we derived six “How might we (HMW)...” statements to guide the development of our initial concepts


1. HMW utilize 5G along with innovative technology such as wearables, drones, and digital reality into various government and public sectors?

2. HMW use digital reality to reduce the cost of training within military, medical, and industrial fields?

3. HMW connect people in real ways remotely by utilizing digital reality to create a more fluid experience?

4. HMW utilize 5G, AI, and digital reality within the medical field to create transparency and data visualization within patient care?

5. HMW utilize the speed 5G provides and the development of AI to have a safer, cost-efficient, and secure system within various government and public sectors?

6. HMW improve industries and cities by using 5G to create smarter ecosystems?


Three Topic


Urban Mobility

5G and Edge will transform urban environments into dynamic networks of sensors, better informing people and vehicles as they pave the way to automation.


Hospital in Home

5G and Edge will bring new technologies and continuous monitoring to the home, providing hospital level care supported by data-driven insights.


Connected Battlefield

5G and Edge will revolutionize the battlefield and military operations, creating hyper-connected networks of sensors translating data into critical outcomes


Primary Research

With our preliminary solutions in mind, we performed a series of interviews with eight total subject matter experts across our three areas and three military personnel.

Through these interviews we gained a better understanding of the challenges facing 5G and Edge within each design space as well as the potential for innovative applications. The interviews gave us key insights into the importance of the Federal Aviation Administration in facilitating the next generation of 5G and Edge powered aerial vehicles; the need to create trust within HiH environments while providing fast, reliable supply chains; and the challenges facing the effective provision of healthcare on and off the battlefield.



interaction map.png

Wearable Device

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AR Headset


Ultrasonic Device


AR Telehealth Prototype

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