
A reading practice system that improves Chinese international students’ reading comprehension


The number of international students grew to approximately 862,000 students for the 2013-2014 academic year and accounted for nearly $27 billion in economic spending. While they bring more cultural variety to American education, international students are facing more obstacles in their study life.  When second language students study in a different language, it is common for them to have language obstacles that could cause academic failure. This reading system aims to enhance Chinese international students’ reading comprehension through integrated with the reciprocal teaching strategy.


Personal Project


Jun 2022


Adobe XD


Effective reading practice system

I conducted an experiment among 12 Chinese international students by using the premade prototype. The result suggests that the reading practice system that integrated with reciprocal teaching strategy is able to enhance international students’ reading comprehension.


Online Reading Lecture

Student practices their reading ability through small group discussions, they take turns predicting the reading, summarizing the reading, asking questions from the reading, and explaining novel words from the reading, hence having a deeper understanding of the reading.



Self Reading Practice

The system provides weekly offline reading practice whose difficulty is corresponding to the student’s performance during the reading test.


Vocabulary Book

The student can check any novel word’s definition during the reading practice, save it to the vocabulary book, and review them from time to time.


Problem Analysis


What is reading comprehension failure?

Comprehension failure is either failing to understand the words or the idea of the reading content. Reading comprehension closely relate to personal experience, and comprehension failure can easily happened when the content does not overlap with the reader’s prior experience; even though students may know all the words in the sentences, they still cannot understand the meaning of the text.

Why do international students have reading trouble?

I conducted research among 55 international students at SCAD. The research questions are designed to find out the answer to following questions:

  1. Does a Chinese international student encounter reading comprehension failure?

  2. Does reading comprehension matter to international students?

  3. What causes the reading understanding problem?

  1. Reading comprehension failure commonly happens among Chinese international students.

  2. Vocabulary size is the most important reason cause reading comprehension failure.

  3. The language barrier causes difficulty during the reading process.


Today, almost all universities set language exams such as the TOEFL, IELTS as a prerequisite for international students. In order to study abroad, students will prepare for those exams to testify their ability to learn in an English language environment. There are many online software and lectures that are made for preparing for the exam; however, college students are still facing many language obstacles during college no matter how high their score is on the language test. The reason behind this is that the software and lectures that are used to prepare for the exam are only exam-oriented; they don’t really aim to improve the student’s English ability but to tell them how to answer the questions correctly. As a consequence, students with high language scores are still having trouble with reading comprehension in an English-speaking environment.

Pain points

  1. Students are hard to concentrate during the textbook reading practice.

  2. Too many novel words disturb students’ reading process.

  3. The online lecture could not care for every student, teachereing showing the answer of the reading while few students still wondering the answer, many students cannot fully participate in the lecture.

  4. Students are learning the reading strategy instead of understanding the reading content.

How might we make the language teaching software to be more meaningful and helpful to Chinese international students?

Reciprocal teaching strategy


1. Question Board


2. Vocabulary Definition


Interaction Design

Integrate these four elements into the reading practice system


Prototype link


To validate whether the reciprocal strategy is effective to enhance students’ comprehension, I conduct the experiment among two groups: the control group and the experiment group. To prepare for the validation, I created a prototype from my high-fidelity interface, and I shared it with the 12 students by email link. The prototype is divided into two parts: the first part is the discussion, while the second part is the test.

Reading material

The reading and the test material were selected from the TOEFL official website. It is a practice reading set for all people to experience the TOEFL test. The practice reading set consists of three readings; each reading has 10 questions.  I also downloaded a performance descriptor from the TOEFL official website that is used to measure the level of reading comprehension.

Prototype version 1.0


Toefl reading performance descriptor


The 6 participants from the experiment group (M = 22, SD = 4.18) compared to the 6 participants in the control group (M = 12, SD = 5.89) demonstrated the reading practice system that intergrade reciprocal teaching strategy is able to enhance international students’ reading comprehension, t = -3.39249, p = .006857.


Findings in the experiment

Language Limitation

International students found it difficult to understand the definition of the novel words since they have written in a language that is not their primary language. Also, holding a discussion in English is quite difficult for them. Moreover, they have more novel words than expectation.

Patience Limitation

It takes approximately 3 hours to finish the task, it could be a suffering task to finish the task without the break time.

The later iteration were conducted according to these feedbacks.


"The translate function in this system helps me better understand the reading content!”

“While answering questions, I have a better understanding of the reading.”

I feel a little bit confused when I first use it. But the user guide does help.